I spoke with Dan Middleton of Intel and Dave Thaler of Microsoft about their work furthering confidential computing technology via the Confidential Computing Consortium. Links: Confidential Computing Consortium
Author: katherined
Hear me on Open at Intel: Software Supply Chains
Marcela Melara, a research scientist in the security and Privacy Research Group at Intel Labs, and Bruno Domingues, a chief technology officer in the financial services industry practice and a SLSA project contributor share their deep knowledge about software supply chain Security, a subject on everyone’s minds today.
Reality 2.0: User Sovereignty and Authenticity in Commerce
Katherine Druckman and Doc Searls hear Dave Huseby’s new ideas about identity verification and data authenticity in commerce. Episode Links
Hear me on Open at Intel: All About SBOMs: The Software Bill of Materials
SBOM stands for Software Bill of Materials, and this humble but critically important document is getting a lot of airtime recently, especially after United States Executive Order 14028 issued strong guidance on requiring SBOMS for government software acquisitions. Alexios Zavras of Intel’s Open Ecosystem Group and Kate Stewart of the Linux Foundation are SBOM experts who are active… Continue reading Hear me on Open at Intel: All About SBOMs: The Software Bill of Materials
Reality 2.0: Is AI the New Search?
Katherine Druckman and Doc Searls talk to Ezequiel Lanza about AI-based search. Episode Links
Reality 2.0: Permission Slip, a Consumer Reports Privacy App
Katherine Druckman, Doc Searls, and Petros Koutoupis talk to Don Marti about Permission Slip, the new data privacy app from Consumer Reports. Episode Links
Hear Me on Open at Intel: Christopher ”CRob” Robinson Shares an Optimistic Take on Open Source Security
Christopher Robinson, also known as “CRob,” is the Director of Security Communications at Intel. In this role, Robinson handles crisis communications, training and security and incident communications. Half of the team behind the engaging security video series Chips and Salsa, he is also heavily involved in open source security communities and acts a technical advisor for the… Continue reading Hear Me on Open at Intel: Christopher ”CRob” Robinson Shares an Optimistic Take on Open Source Security
Hear Me on Open at Intel: Threat Modeling Down the Rabbit Hole
Intel Open Source Evangelist, Katherine Druckman, speaks with Intel open source security experts John Whiteman and John Andersen about threat modeling. Threat modeling should be step one in any security conversation, so please join us as we jump down the rabbit hole!
Announcing the Open at Intel Podcast
I am very excited to share that I have officially launched the Open at Intel podcast! Open at Intel is a brand-new podcast exploring the most intriguing conversations in the open source world brought to you by Intel’s Open Ecosystem group. Our mission is to introduce you to some of the unsung heroes of open source and… Continue reading Announcing the Open at Intel Podcast
Talking Drupal #385 – Off The Cuff: Drupal 10, Skills Rot, and Contrib
I joined as a guest host to talk Drupal 10, Skills Rot, and Contrib. For show notes visit: www.talkingDrupal.com/385