Open At Intel: Assessing Project Security with OpenSSF Scorecard

Evaluating security risk associated with open source software projects can be a complex or even daunting task, but an Open Source Security Foundation project called OpenSSF Scorecard helps put some order and automation into the process. In this episode, we chat with one of OpenSSF Scorecard’s contributors, Brian Russell of Google, and Ryan Ware, Director of Open Source Security… Continue reading Open At Intel: Assessing Project Security with OpenSSF Scorecard

Open at Intel: Scanning for Vulnerabilities with CVE Binary Tool

This episode explores an open source software vulnerability scanner called CVE Binary Tool, which scans binaries and component lists in your project and reports back known vulnerabilities based on data from NIST’s National Vulnerability Database (NVD) list of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs). My guest is Dr. Terry Oda, a security researcher at Intel and the lead maintainer of CVE Binary… Continue reading Open at Intel: Scanning for Vulnerabilities with CVE Binary Tool

Open at Intel: Securing Applications with Gramine

Open at Intel Podcast Episode 7 Includes renditions

Mona Vij, principal engineer at Intel Labs, leads Intel’s efforts on the Gramine project, which is a library OS that allows for running unmodified applications and, among other things, solves the problem of running applications out-of-the-box on Intel SGX-enabled hardware. We’ll dive into Gramine, a Confidential Computing Consortium Project and discuss easing the path to running in a trusted… Continue reading Open at Intel: Securing Applications with Gramine

Hear me on Open at Intel: All About SBOMs: The Software Bill of Materials

SBOM stands for Software Bill of Materials, and this humble but critically important document is getting a lot of airtime recently, especially after United States Executive Order 14028 issued strong guidance on requiring SBOMS for government software acquisitions. Alexios Zavras of Intel’s Open Ecosystem Group and Kate Stewart of the Linux Foundation are SBOM experts who are active… Continue reading Hear me on Open at Intel: All About SBOMs: The Software Bill of Materials

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